Air Purifier (Series 160AN Auto-RV)
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E.L. Foust Co...Made in U.S.A. Air Purifier (Series 160AN Auto-RV) is all metal construction & contains 3 lbs. of activated carbon standard mix (60% Coconut & 40% Purapel) for removal of chemicals, exhaust fumes, gases; and controls particles with an optional HEPA filter rated at 0.1 micron efficiency. Our 160AN Auto-RV unit comes equipped ready to plug into either the cigarette lighter or power point outlet in your vehicle. It has performed extremely well in independent lab tests; and is used and recommended by allergists and environmental doctors nationwide.
E.L. Foust Co...Made in U.S.A. Air Purifier (Series 160AN Auto-RV) is designed for people with allergies, asthma, environmental illnesses and multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS), but can be used by anyone that desires clean, fresh and odor-less air. It is lightweight, portable and can be used in automobiles, buses, trains, trucks and RV's. There is an optional 160AN AC to DC converter available, so you can use this unit in your home or hotel rooms when you are traveling. (Limited Use)
NOTE: The Series 160 air purifiers can use either recyclable or refillable cartridges; which makes the Series 160 air purifiers the Perfect Green Choice when you desire clean, fresh and odor-less air with the least carbon foot-print and positive effect to your environment. See below for details, FAQ's and information pages.
The Air Purifier (Series 160AN Auto-RV) is also available in a carbon-less version.
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NOTE: E.L.Foust Co...has been marketing, recommending, selling and using Ultra-Safe Soaps for over the last decade. We truly say Thank-You to all of their customers & the employees of E.L.Foust!!
For more information on our products, refer to our (Product Information Tab) at the top of this page for; Home Remedies, Microbiology Reports, MSDS Sheets, Mixing and Usage Guides. To read about how well our Ultra-Safe Solutions work, click on the links under (More Information-Top Right) you may want to read some of our customers Testimonials Too!
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