*Ultra-Safe Laundry (All-Fabric Cleanser)
Ultra-Safe Laundry (All-Fabric Cleanser - HE & Septic Safe) Proven to Eliminate Gram(-) & Gram (+) Bacteria Hypo-Allergenic* / Non-Toxic / Immune System Safe!
Proven to Remove Bacteria & Heavy Metal Toxins from Fabric Designed for Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) Patients Used on; Carpeting, Clothing & Upholstery!!
Ultra-Safe Laundry (All-Fabric Cleanser - Multi-Purpose)... is an anti-microbial, hypo-allergenic* and non-toxic soap designed to be used on a daily basis for all-types of fabric's. It's a powerful cleaner that has been proven to eliminate Gram (-) and Gram (+) bacteria such as; Ecoli, Salmonella, Shigella, Staph and Strep by working in a microbial action. It is used in carpet machines to clean dirty rugs, in your dishwasher for dishes, any-type of washer for laundry, and even by hand (MCS Patients) for upholstery. It's so Powerful...yet so Gentle....even your KIDZ can use it safely.
Please Read CANCER in Children!
Ultra-Safe Laundry (All-Fabric Cleanser) is designed to remove bacteria and heavy metal toxins from your fabrics safely. It brightens naturally, is COLOR SAFE and works well on pet odors and stains. To understand how our anti-microbial soap works click to view Anti-Microbial Explained or Colloidal Micelles Technology or The Dangers of Detergents or Product Comparisons.
No Fumes...No Headaches...SaferSoaps...Making your World Truly Ultra-Safe!
Ultra-Safe Laundry (All-Fabric Cleanser)... is available in a lemon scent or unscented* form. We sell all of our Ultra-Safe products in a convenient Ready-to-Use (RTU) solution as well as a variety of concentrations that require dilution. Our best deal is when you order the (50% stronger 12x concentrate) by the gallon you will be able to save the most money. One gallon of the (50% stronger 12x concentrate) will make you up to 12 gallons of our regular strength ready-to-use product.
Please refer to our (Non-Toxic Living & Product Information Tab) at the top of this page for; Home Remedies, Microbiology Reports, MSDS Sheets, Product Comparisons, Mixing and Usage Guides. To read about how well our Ultra-Safe Solutions work, click on the links under (More Information-Top Right) you may want to read some of our customers Testimonials Too!!
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