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Do you have an experience with our products that you would like to share with others? Send it to CustomerService@SaferSoaps.com. We will send you a $5 gift certificate if we use your testimonial!
Here are some things people are saying about Solutions 4 You Products: |
Dear Customer Service,
I have a bathroom sink that is a thorn in my side. It is brick red cultured
marble (I think). We have very hard water, and my husband's favorite soap is
a castile soap that leaves soap scum residue like no other soap I've ever
known. Between the soap scum and hard water, this sink looks awful all the
time. Every dried water drop shows up murky white. The soap residue leaves
a film that can be scraped off with your fingernail in big flakes. I
scrubbed the sink every day for a while, but it didn't take long to give up
on that.
Up until recently I let it go, a big frustrated sigh, and looked away
whenever I have to go in the bathroom. But, I had a thought a couple of
weeks ago that has made me so very happy, that I feel compelled to write you
about it. I use your Ultra-Safe Polish to do all my dusting, and polishing.
After I cleaned this particular sink, I used the Ultra-Safe Polish to do the
sink! Why I had not thought of this before, I have no idea. Not one drop
of water or one speck of soap scum stuck to that sink for 4 days! The sink
was bright, shiny and beautiful! After the 4 days, the foggy film started
to come back, so I polished the sink again. You know it takes about 30
seconds to get the job done, and WOW! The results are amazing!
I have two suggestions for people that insist that dark colored tubs and
sinks are cool. Either choose white or keep Ultra-Safe Polish (Shield) on
hand at all times.
Thanks for such a great product!
K. Barnhill
Aloha Paul & Cheryl,
Ultra-Safe Solution and Emu Oil are a big part of our life here on our
little farm on Kauai, Hawaii. High humidity, mold, fungus, insects, etc.
are a part of life in the tropics. We use Ultra-Safe and Emu Oil daily in
our home and on the farm. Here are just a few of its many uses in our
- 1. Non-toxic cleaning
Not only does it keep our house clean, but it is safe for our seven
grandchildren who are here very often. Keeping them safe as they learn to
do chores is very important to us; even the two year olds can help scrub the
tub with no fear. We wash off our chickens' eggs with it before using them to
make sure they are clean without strong chemicals. Camping is a lot easier
with one non-toxic cleaner like Ultra-Safe. It is used for bathing,
shampooing, brushing teeth, doing dishes and laundry. And we don't
contaminate our beautiful beaches.
- 2. Insects
Ultra-Safe Solution kills ants on contact. It also kills large
cockroaches in about a minute, and kills aphids and other types of vegetable
gobbling bugs instantly. Gets rids of crab spiders in a few days when
everything on the farm is covered with them. A strong solution of it will
knock down yellow jackets which are a year round problem here. Because it is
nontoxic, we experiment with Ultra-Safe a lot on all kinds of creatures.
Lightly spraying tomatoes, cucumber and squash blossoms helps to stop the
fruit flies from stinging them. It usually works great!
- 3. Healing
Mosquito bites here are a daily occurrence. Sometimes my grandkids
may have as many as 20-30 bites on a leg. I spray the bites and rub it in a
little and in about 5 minutes all itching and red spots are gone. Family,
friends and visitors who come to visit and get bitten always want to know
what this spray is because it works so well on relieving the bad itching on
them. It is also good on hives, rashes and bee stings. Even the toddlers
know to run for the Ultra-Safe when they get yellow jackets and honeybee
stings. It takes the pain away in a short time and then we put on Emu
oil... and everyone is happy. We wash all scrapes, cuts, etc. on our farm
with Ultra-Safe. Kauai has the highest rate of Lepta in the nation, so we
try to be very careful. After injuries are washed with Ultra-Safe we put on
Emu Oil. Pain leaves quickly and healing is fast. Emu Oil is especially
awesome on any kind of burn. We keep a bottle of Emu Oil in the kitchen
just for that purpose. Quickly reduces pain, will not blister and leave no
scar. In fact, my daughter's co-worker had a pot of boiling soup spill on
her back. She was rushed to the ER and did the medical protocol. My
daughter gave her Emu Oil which she put on her back until it healed
completely. It has healed with no scarring. Her friend is a dishwasher and
noticed that another benefit of rubbing Emu Oil on herself is that her
fingernails are beautiful. They were soft and pealed from being in water so
much. We have also used Ultra -Safe for yeast infections... instant relief
from itching... and quick healing.
We also use Ultra-Safe Solution and Emu Oil on our farm animals. Many cuts
and wounds have been healed with Ultra-Safe and then Emu Oil. Many horses
get a fungal problem on their backs here from being constantly wet. No
problem keep spraying them down with Ultra-Safe and it all heals nicely.
Although long, these are only a FEW ways we use Ultra-Safe and Emu Oil. We
can't imagine living without these two incredible products. May God bless
you for making such fine products available to people.
Barbara J Rego
From: The Garden Island of Kauai, Hawaii
Going green has become "All the Rage Recently". At A Major Difference, going green is not just a trend to us it has been a way of life for us, evidenced by our commitment to teach detoxification of the body and home using green techniques and the IonCleanse®.
As our customers have become more concerned about the toxins they put in their bodies, AMD has researched for the most natural, organic and safest non-toxic cleansers, lotions, oils and soaps to offer them. In May of 2000, the founder of AMD (Robert Moroney) was introduced to the owners (Paul & Cheryl Tima) and the product lines from Solutions-4-You®. They offer a comprehensive line of commercial, household and medical cleansers; nutritional products; pain relief gels; personal care and personal hygeine products; pet care medicinals; and ultra-safe shampoos and treatments. All of these products are 100% natural, non-toxic and not tested on animals. Additionally, many of them are certified USDA Organic.
Solutions-4-You® products will lessen the toxic load your body is exposed to on a daily basis. Cleaners, hand sanitizers, lotions, oils and shampoos do not have to contain harmful ingredients such as; carcinogeens, neuro-toxins, noxious-chemicals, petro-chemicals and cVOC's to be effective.
Before giving our endorsement, AMD extensively tested 10 of the products that Solutions-4-You® offers and found each of them to work exceptionally well. Based upon this experience, we are confident that you will be happy with their complete line of products.
Please visit their website @ www.SaferSoaps.com or simply call Paul Tima at (800) 301-9911 for more information. Please mention that AMD referred you, and you will receive 10% off your first order! OR,
Click here to order Ultra-Safe Plus+ RTU® on our website. Sincerely, Neill Moroney, CEO
A Major Difference, Inc. • 2950 South Jamaica Court • Suite 300 • Aurora, Colorado 80014 Toll Free: 877-315-8638 • www.amajordifference.com
I asked a patient at my practice how she was doing using Emu oil on her back, neck and shoulders and she said, "Oh, I meant to tell you! Since I have been using the Emu oil daily, I have not had to use any more <OTC Pain Relievers> and I was popping them like candy!"
Many thanks to having a product that saves people's kidneys and liver. Great work.
Brian Dooley DC, ACP Pickens Family Chiropractic, LLC 207 W. Main St. Pickens, SC 29671 (864) 898-3300
Thank you Paul for the Power of Prayer!
I do want to make another order of all your products, I'm running low. But first, I want to Thank-you for the most beautiful prayer I've ever received. You prayed over me when I made my last order (a long time ago) when I was ill and pregnant. Since then, I have had the most beautiful, healthy baby girl (Xavier), praise God. Again, my family and I would like to say Thank-you for praying and sharing your testimony in my life.
Adoracion (Dorita) Rodriguez-Pineiro
Dear Paul: I want to share with you two of my first experiences with your Ultra-Safe Solution. I have worked for years on a stain on my bathroom white cabinets. It was a very bright yellow stain from a solution called Betidine, from the hospital. You name it, bleach, scrubbing with stain removers, nothing would take it off. With just one application of the Ultra Safe Solution…it was gone. Next, there was a permanent marked board hanging on my son's wall in his bedroom. The black marker opened, and leaked all over his carpet. I immediately sprayed Ultra- Safe Solution on it and started dabbing with paper towels. The entire puddle of liquid ink came completely out! I can't even tell where the exact location is anymore. Thank-you for your Ultra-Safe Solution, Sincerely, Susie Manikowski Rockford, MI |
Dear Solutions-4-You,
My comments about your product Lice-Go-EZE:
My daughter became infected with head lice a few weeks after school started. I had originally treated her with a lice treatment solution called NIX (pyrethrum solution). My daughter, who has a history of seasonal asthma, had very hard time breathing when I applied the NIX for treatment.
My sister-in-law gave me a bottle of your Solutions-4-You product. After calling you and learning that “Pyrethrum is a Deadly Neuro-Toxin” to my daughter's brain…I threw it in the trash immediately.
I tried your Lice-Go-EZE on my daughter, and she had no side effects from it. It knocked out the lice in one day. It also made the NITS (lice eggs) a lot easier to remove.
Thank-you so very much, Rose (A very concerned and loving mom) Owings, MD
Being diagnosed with (MCS) Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, your products have helped to literally save my life. I do not really have any one specific testimonial, other that I am just so grateful to have a product that makes my life so much more comfortable.
I am able to bathe, clean my home, do my laundry, shampoo, and brush my teeth with a product that doesn't give me arthritic pain, bronchitis, headaches, sinus infections, or cause me to go into a state of confusion.
Solutions-4-You has made my life so much more livable.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Mary S. Kloss Sharpsville, PA
Hello T.E.A.M. Chief!
Our Testimonial: Recently our cat, Ella, developed an infection in her foot around one of her toenails. We are treating it with a 63:1 dilution of Ultra Safe Plus+ (LM) with good results. The swelling has gone and the foot is healing nicely. We tried a 3:1 dilution at first which was too strong and seemed to burn.
We also apply your Emu oil to achy muscles and joints, presto the pain is gone. That is really some Amazing Stuff!
John & Judy Glynn, Bradenton, FL
Dear Paul & Cheryl,
My family & I would like to thank-you for starting Solutions-4-You. I use Ultra-Safe Solution for everything and I mean everything. From cleaning our home, to washing our clothes, using it in the dish washer and even spraying all of our fruit and veggies.
I used to hate to clean my oven but since I have been getting the Ultra-Safe Degreaser and Ultra-Safe Laundry solution, I use that for cleaning the oven. It is fantastic!!
I am so excited about your products I even got my 88 year old Mother using them!!
Thank-you again, Love in the Lord, Mrs. Ethel Knapp Milford, CT
Dear Mr. T.
I am so impressed with (S4Y) Solutions-4-You as skin care product for problems like blisters, rashes, and sunburns. My friend used a hot tub that overdid the chlorine, and he got a rash all over his legs. I suggested S4Y, and he was amazed after 3 days that the rash went away. He now sprays it routinely on his body after being in a hot tub.
Look forward to always using your products, Bernie (Friend of Bubble Sam)
Hi Paul,
Here is my testimony I promised you....
I have been enjoying ALL of the Solutions-4-You products. I use them for all my cleaning as well as my personal care needs. I brush my teeth with a blend I make up using the Ultra-Safe Laundry, along with Aloe Vera and specific essential oils that are good for the gums and teeth. I wash my waist long hair with the Ultra-Safe Shampoo and find it leaves it clean, not dry and yet very manageable. I use the Ultra-Safe Products in a variety of ratios - 1:3 on my body, and use a 1:7 dilution spray as an under arm deodorant.
I have friends who have used it to wash their hair without even rinsing and they said it left their hair perfectly clean and manageable. What a blessing that could be for those that are bed ridden, camping or have limited water supplies. My friends & I just love your Suds Pumps with Bubble Sam.
Btw…thank-you for making great body lotions and massaging oils to help aid my clients dry skin. My clients and friends just put it on after a bath and say their skin is not dry like it used to be even when using high priced moisturizers.
Your Lice-Go-EZE is heaven sent and we have literally watched head lice disappear. This is a relief to many Moms who were beside themselves thinking they would have to use toxic lice treatments on their children's heads. One Mom said she was delighted that now she can let her small daughter help her clean because she feels good about these hypo-allergenic and non-toxic products and knows her child is safe using them.
I have made up a 1:15 dilution of Ultra-Safe Degreaser (Wet Wipes) which I keep in my car to take engine grease off my hands after having mechanics work on it. I have shared it with others at the sevice station after they have changed my oil, helped me put air in my tires, etc., and have gotten very dirty hands. They were all very impressed by how well it worked to remove the dirt and grime that had gotten on their hands and without rinsing as there was NO water available.
I could go on and on with the many comments that my clients, family and friends have shared with me, as well as my own experiences.
Again, thank-you from our head to our toes and every where else we have used your products!
Thanks Paul & Cheryl and you have a blessed day too! Angela Rosa (RM) (LMT) Hawi, HI
Dear Paul Tima & Safer Soaps,
Two months ago my husband and I ordered your Ultra Safe Solution, and Ultra Safe Plus+ (Medical Cleanser) because they were highly recommended by Betty Lindsay of Creative Health Ventures and John Barton of Bio-Data, LLC. The order was received within just a few days, and I am thrilled with your products!
I am very chemically sensitive, and must be extremely careful what we use in the house. Your cleansers have had no negative effects at all, even when used without gloves. Just knowing these cleansers are so powerful as to be anti-microbial, yet are non toxic and hypo-allergenic, is incredibly comforting. I will never use anything else, and am looking forward to using your other products, like the Ultra Safe Suds, which I just ordered. If you ever start making a dish detergent, we will immediately start using it as well.
Thank you for making such excellent products, at such excellent prices, and quick delivery.
With much appreciation, Mrs. Susan Tripp Downingtown, PA
Dear Paul,
As a semi-retired insurance adjuster who was self employed, I was working with a man our firm had hired to do a demolition as the result of a $250,000 fire in Vermont. One day during lunch we began talking about alternative measures from cleaning products to medicine.
As we chatted he started to talk about your products from Solutions-4-You. He told me how his sister changed her periodontal status from numbers eight and nine to twos and threes, and yet this same product (Ultra-Safe Solution) could be used for cleaning grease and oil from a soft wood floor to shaving your face and legs. I thought he was pulling my leg!
However, I decided to try it and bought a small amount. WOW...was I surprised! When used as a tooth cleaner one's teeth felt as if he had just had his biannual visit to the dentist. It was unbelievable! Then all the other aspects of uses proved true, from using it on my horses to shaving! We now keep a bottle in each bathroom, the garage and stable. You can imagine our disappointment when you had to close for a short while, while being hurt in an accident.
We became very covetous of our last gallon of concentrate, to say the least!
Glad to see you are now back! Monty & (Beautiful Ruthie) Warman Cedar City, UT
Dear Paul,
Thank you for your Safer-Soap products. For years I've struggled to clean my pots and pans after boiling acorn and butternut squashes in them. The residual is glue-like and nothing seems to get it off. I struggle to get them clean.
When the Ultra-Safe Plus+ (Commercial Cleanser) arrived in the mail I happened to be cooking butternut squash so I tried a little on the dried, glue-like residual. After just two minutes (no scrubbing) I took a sponge to it and to my surprise it wiped sparkling clean without scrubbing. (WOW)
Thank you!!! Mrs. Deborah (Debbie) Haines Santa Rosa, CA
Dear Paul,
I want to write to you about my experience with Ultra-Safe Solution. In 1999, I met with a group of Christians up in WA State. My dear friend saw me brushing my teeth and as usual spitting out lots of blood from my chronic severe gum disease. I had battled this disease for more than 20 years. I was losing the battle even after trying so many products! She recommended Ultra-Safe Solution. Being a Registered Nurse I was very skeptical after trying so many things and trying to take good care of my teeth. She finally got me to buy a pint from her and it was nothing less than an amazing answer to prayer.
Within days the bleeding slowed and within 2 weeks it had stopped completely. The Periodontal Doctor I was seeing was so amazed at the reduction in the depth of the periodontal pockets she said she could hardly believe it. She re-measured and kept looking at her records with a stunned look on her face! At that point she asked me where she could get a bottle of the Ultra-Safe Solution. I sure wish I had known about this product sooner, because it has helped my husband too. I wish everyone who has gum disease knew about this product. If anyone wants to contact me just share my e-mail address @ LonnieAbigail12@AOL.com
Blessing from our kind Heavenly Father, Abigail Luisa Davis (RN)
From http://www.disabled-world.com/artman/publish/yeast_infection.shtml:
This is a botanical, non-toxic multi-purpose solution that can be sprayed directly onto the skin. It is extremely soothing on a yeast infection and is effective at killing yeast. I use it straight from the bottle, without diluting it. I find it works best that way, but please be aware that this is not how the company recommends using it. It can be purchased at this site: http://www.solutions-4-you.com. |
Do you have an experience with our products that you would like to share with others? Send it toCustomerService@SaferSoaps.com. We will send you a $5 gift certificate if we use your testimonial!
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